Free software plays one of the main roles in updating devices. There are many device management managers, but DriverMax is universal because of the capabilities provided by the application. You can install the software for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 for free. To download DriverMax for free for the official version, you can follow the link that is on our page.

Driver Features

The main function of DriverMax is to update drivers and manage devices. DriverMax contains a high level of organization, since all personal data is visible only to the user. Therefore, the program has high security and confidentiality of content. Users can also edit functions. The program works with a network card using chips. DriverMax keeps track of new versions and offers to get acquainted with detailed information about drivers. Authorization is required at startup that is why an email address is required.

Secure installation of the program

To successfully install the program on a computer, laptop, follow a simple instruction:

  1. follow the link to install;
  2. familiarize yourself with the contents;
  3. find the built-in "Download" panel;
  4. click on the button to install.

Installation after downloading

To save the drivers, open the main menu and click "Backup Driver". If you need to save a certain type of driver, then you need to find the "Backup selected drivers" function. To save all drivers, there is a "Backup all drivers" on the general control panel. The saved drivers will be in the dialog box lists.

So, after launching the program, the menu interface will be in Spanish. At the top is a toolbar with tabs. To begin with, you need to analyze all manufacturers. This can be done using the built-in "Analyze Drivers Now" panel. After using this function, the program will automatically start searching for driver updates. Soon a window will appear in which there will be information about the drivers found. You can check all available updates using the "View updates" function. In the menu, the user will have information about the drivers found. If you hover the cursor, an icon in the form of a note will appear on the left side near the "Update" button. If you click on the button, information about the version of the controller and the new version found will appear. After selecting the installation file, click on the "Download and install" button.


So, after a full acquaintance with the application, we can conclude that the installation, as well as the use of the program, is easy and comfortable for all users of this type of software.